Focus and Scope

The scope of this journal includes studies that intend to examine and understand nursing health care interventions and health policies which utilize advanced nursing research from the Asian perspective. Jurnal Kesehatan Komunitas Indonesia (JKKI) publishes research related to community health settings, and health policy in Asia from comparative and international views.

We aim to evaluated and understand the complex on public health and nursing research, epidemiology, pharmacy, reproductive health, health management, environmental health, health promotion, occupational safety, community nutrition, health policy, and others related to health in the community. JKKI welcomes original articles, review articles, and case studies on various professional health services. Health workers are subjects at JKKI, but writers outside the health subject are also welcome to be able to send articles as long as the article is within the scope of JKKI, especially its implications for public health.

The journal also committed to improving the high-quality research by publishing analytic techniques, measures, and research methods, not an exception to systematic review papers.