About the Journal


Original title : Jurnal Kesehatan Komunitas Indonesia (JKKI)
English title : Journal of Indonesian Community Health
Abbreviation   JKKI
Frequency : 3 issue per year
No. of articles per issue : 10 research articles and reviews per issue
DOI : 10.58545/jkki
EISSN / PISSN : 2503-2801 / 2985-3435
Publisher : Al-Hijrah Indonesia
Citation Analysis : Google Scholar, Dimensions, wizdom.ai, Garuda
Languange : English
Dicipline : Public health and care, epidemiology, community pharmacy, reproductive health, health management, environmental health, health promotion, occupational safety, community nutrition, health policy, special group health, and others related to health in the community.

The Journal of Indonesian Community Health is an open access scientific journal managed by EBSINA and published by Al-Hijrah Indonesia. The Indonesian Community Health Journal (JKKI) is published in April, August and December.

JKKI focuses on public health and nursing research, epidemiology, pharmacy, reproductive health, health management, environmental health, health promotion, occupational safety, community nutrition, health policy, and others related to health in the community. JKKI welcomes original articles, review articles, and case studies on various professional health services.

Health workers are subjects at JKKI, but writers outside the health subject are also welcome to be able to send articles as long as the article is within the scope of JKKI, especially its implications for public health.

Al-Hijrah Indonesia is a non-profit organization that focuses on education, health, information technology, publications, and social and community empowerment. EBSINA is a division of Al-Hijrah Indonesia which manages publishing and publishing. Al-Hijrah Indonesia was established in December 2015 with official permission from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia (MENKUMHAM RI) with No: AHU-0034040.AH.01.07. 2015 and Notarial Deed No: 06 dated 4 December 2015 by YUNIAR NOVALIASARI, SH., M.KN.