
Manuscript Withdrawal
Manuscript withdrawal is strongly discouraged, it is a waste of valuable resources that publishers put. If the author still requests withdrawal of their manuscript, the following guidelines have to be followed

  • Manuscript withdrawal will be permitted only for the most compelling and unavoidable reasons. It is unacceptable to withdraw a manuscript from a journal because it is being accepted by another journal;
  • The author should submit a request to the editorial office as a letter signed by all authors stating the full cause that led to the step of manuscript withdrawal;
  • In a case where a manuscript has taken more than six months time for the review process, publishers allow the author to withdraw the manuscript without paying any charges;
  • If the manuscript is still in peer-reviewed process, the author has to pay 150.000 (IDR) per manuscript as a penalty of withdrawal;
  • If the manuscript is already accepted for publication, the author has to pay 400.000 (IDR) per manuscript as a penalty of withdrawal;
  • If the author doesn't agree to pay the penalty, the author and his/her affiliation will be blacklisted for publication in this journal;
  • Authors must not assume that their manuscript has been withdrawn until they have received appropriate notification to this effect from the editorial office.