An Application Pre-Conference and Post-Conference in Hospital: a Case Study




Pre-conference and post-conference are part of implementing the Professional Nursing Care Model (MAKP) to improve the quality of nursing services in hospitals and minimize negligence or errors in nursing practice. Pre-conference and post-conference is the activity of the team leader and members of the nursing team in communicating related to nursing care given to patients during shift changes. In pre-conference and post-conference, the nurse in charge of care must plan daily activities for patients from admission to discharge from the hospital. However, implementation pre-conference and post-conference still need to be improved. This can affect the nursing care provided by nurses. This writing aims to describe pre-and post-conference activities during the COVID-19 pandemic, which students in the inpatient room carried out. This research uses the case study method. Implementation research results in pre-conference are in a suitable category, while post-conference results could be better. Therefore to optimize the implementation of pre-conference and post-conference, nurses need to improve their quality as Nurses in Charge of Caring (PPJA).


Professional Nursing Care Model, Pre-conference, Post-conference, Responsible Nurse, Nursing care


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How to Cite

Afandi, A. T., Fauziah, N. H., Asmaningrum, N., & Sujarwanto. (2023). An Application Pre-Conference and Post-Conference in Hospital: a Case Study. Jurnal Kegawatdaruratan Medis Indonesia, 2(1), 53–63.


