The Relationship between Social Media Use and Risky Sexual Behavior Among Adolescents at Senior High School
Background: Adolescence is a period of rapid change and development, marked by the maturation of physiological functions and the emergence of primary and secondary sexual characteristics. Without adequate knowledge and education on reproductive health, these developments may lead to detrimental behaviors, such as risky sexual behavior. Purpose: This study aims to analyze the relationship between social media use and risky sexual behavior among adolescents at selected Senior High School in Jember Regency. Methods: This research employs a quantitative method with a descriptive-analytical design using a cross-sectional approach. The data collection was conducted through a total sampling method, involving 123 students as respondents. Data were gathered using a questionnaire and analyzed using Kendall's Tau B test. Results: The findings reveal that 78% of respondents have a low level of social media use, and 54.4% exhibit less active risky sexual behavior. Statistical analysis showed a significant relationship, with a p-value of 0.000 and a correlation coefficient of 0.587, indicating a strong positive correlation. Conclusions: This research shows that higher social media usage is associated with increased risky sexual behavior among adolescents. The study highlights the importance of providing adolescents with comprehensive knowledge and education on reproductive health to help them distinguish positive behaviors from negative influences, thereby reducing the likelihood of engaging in risky sexual behavior. Additionally, the role of parents and teachers in educating and guiding adolescents from an early age is important, as their behavior is shaped by the approach and supervision they receive.
Adolescence, Sexual behavior, Social mediaDownloads
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Copyright (c) 2025 Nenchy Yetika Setya Ningrum, Hanny Rasni, Fahruddin Kurdi

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